Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Listening: Kelly Clarkson - Save Me

I can feel the emptiness of your words as you talk to me. Was our friendship always this empty and did I just not notice? It's hard to believe anything you tell me, that you really mean what you say when you tell me words of justification. Friendship shouldn't have to be justified; it should just be. How can I know that you're being Real with me? Am I appreciated?

Everything is winding down for the school year and I'm not quite sure what to make of all of it. Was this year great success? How did I evolve? Did I move forward in life or did I move back? What did I learn?

Do not Forget to be Forgotten.

Be the Epitome of an Oxymoron.

Sidenote: I realized last night that I don't dot my "i"'s when I write. How odd.

I don't know if I'm elated for leaving or I'm nervous. I get butterflies sometimes when I think of how long I'm going to be gone. But somehow I feel relived, leaving everything behind.

Bye for now and hopefully not for Forever.

With Love,

Saturday, May 23, 2009

It makes me sad how I can't wait to leave for Michigan; how I want to get away from my life so bad. I've had almost everything I've ever wanted and yet I'm still empty somehow always.

Don't miss me.

Another time,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'll be there.
This my promise to you.

Apparently this world likes to come in pairs.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom."

Hehe, I just watched Becoming Jane. It was a most excellent movie(: It stirred emotion in me surprisingly, and I had the most hope for a happy ending for the movie but alas it was not to be because that's not how history happened. Oh what it would be to have been born 250 years ago, in the time of poets and romanticists and language. How the meaning is not quite the real meaning, but is much deeper.

People are rarely what they seem, but most are quite predictable sadly. Deeper on the inside perhaps, but what is that unless it is shown? Perhaps, perhaps.

One week from now I will start packing for Michigan. Oh the possibilities.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Watching: My Fake Fiance

It's such a cute movie(:
Anyways, life's good, it happy. I could care less about school at this point but I gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other.
LOL. My dad just spilled my pencil sharpener shavings everywhere and he ran away with his laptop into his room. What a jerk. Guess who cleaned it. . . NO NOT MY MOM,


Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Listening: Under Control - Parachute

Finally a good Free Single of the Week from iTunes(: Get it!

Hohummhoheee. I sorta feel bad for neglecting my blog but not really. I've been happier lately but I'm still kinda stressed from just thinking about all the work I have to do :\

I had a great Mother's Day. It was very relaxing and just peaceful between me and my mother, for once.

Only 14.5 more days of school. . . If I counted right;;

I really don't have anything to write about or anything I want to write about so, toodles.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

It'll never be enough, will it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009




Watching: Rockets vs Lakers

I'm tired of making other people happy, because you know what? They just aren't satisfied in the end with what I do. I'm just not good enough, even if I do it for a favor.

I just want to go to Michigan and get away from all of this. I want to be stranded in a freezing place where I can only hear my thoughts and where I'll be with just friends and no drama.

The Countdown: 19 days.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bloop Dope Pewp

To Do List:
Do Biology
Read Huck Finn
Go Shopping
Find Family Tree Photos

Uhm, so today. . .
I'm in charge of sending out invitations for the Senior Banquet @ HCC that I won't even get to go to ): sadtear. But they are going to be totally cute ;D

And and, Muzzer's Day is coming soon! Uhm, appreciate your muzzer (a nice Rolex should do the trick LOLJK. -enter-). LOL. That LOLJK thing is out of this book I recently read and I think it's funny(:

So, teh sywne floo passed to China D:

I really didn't have anything meaningful to write (: Das' how cool I be.
