I can feel the emptiness of your words as you talk to me. Was our friendship always this empty and did I just not notice? It's hard to believe anything you tell me, that you really mean what you say when you tell me words of justification. Friendship shouldn't have to be justified; it should just be. How can I know that you're being Real with me? Am I appreciated?
Everything is winding down for the school year and I'm not quite sure what to make of all of it. Was this year great success? How did I evolve? Did I move forward in life or did I move back? What did I learn?
Do not Forget to be Forgotten.
Be the Epitome of an Oxymoron.
Sidenote: I realized last night that I don't dot my "i"'s when I write. How odd.
I don't know if I'm elated for leaving or I'm nervous. I get butterflies sometimes when I think of how long I'm going to be gone. But somehow I feel relived, leaving everything behind.
Bye for now and hopefully not for Forever.
With Love,