Friday, January 15, 2010

Why Am I the Rule and She is the Exception?

Have you ever wondered why some people are the exception to the rule? Why you aren't the exception to the rule? What makes them so special? So special that they are the exception?

I feel like I'm living my life in one of the most cliche ways, so predictable. I feel like I have to obey the rules of society. I don't really mind but I sometimes wonder if I could be so much more. Potential.

I still have to figure out some New Year's resolutions, goals of definite measurable proportions. Is it better to set high goals and then be disappointed when you don't achieve them or to set realistic goals and then just be blasé
? I wrote a letter to myself this summer, right before school started. It was filled with goals and ideas, fresh from my summer experiences. I wonder if I have meet any of the goals I set. But then again, I kind of know that I wrote the letter with no real motivation or intention, I kind of felt like I had to write one just in case I became excited about it once I forgot it. But I haven't forgotten about it so I'm still indifferent.


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