Tuesday, April 21, 2009

She Said, She Said

Listening: Madcon - Beggin'

I pick up some sand
Watch it melt through my hands
Falling on my feet

I really don't know what I want to write in this post at all. Let's just see if the words come out.

State was actually really fun. Not as fun as the other years, but I still had alot of fun (:.

Saying Goodbye:

Grace: I will sincerely miss her when she moves to Cali D: I look up her to her so much. She was sick this week and I hope she feels better. I love how she is able to look at a problem from all sides and be unbiased but still love me. She makes me see things in a new way and she keeps our D-Group united.

Ken: (Haha, yes. I am writing about you if you are reading this :P). I don't like that he decided to go without internet, but I him support in his choice! I'll miss talking with him while he's concentrating on school work.

Okay, pressing on. So lessons I have learned this week is that sacrifice is a big part of loving someone and that gossip is super bad.
You can't really rely on someone telling you that someone said something. Such as, "I heard from her that she said that 'she said that "you're really stupid."'" See how hard that is to understand. It's just difficult later on when you are trying to solve the problem.

I guess I'll write about my birthday now o;. So basically what happened was that I invited my church friends and my school friends to go out and eat for my birthday. The dinner was fine, but once we got back to my house I felt like they all branched off into cliques. I kept trying to get everyone to hang out with each other but they wouldn't listen. So I really just gave up and started crying. I felt that they were being selfish. I mean, is it too much to ask for your friend who you invited to just do what you wanted on your birthday? I ended up being the one left out. Me, the 'Birthday Girl'.

Anyways, everyone be healthy this week!


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