Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Not Fair

Listening: Wordkill - Epik High

People really need to just keep out of other people's business. I'll admit, sometimes I can get a little curious and carried away, but I know how to stop. I know when enough is enough. I've told secrets, but nothing that would ever ruin someone's life.

Some people just exhaust me. They make me want to shut my eyes and close off all my senses. Which would be nice if I were actually trying to sleep, as I am having issues with sleeping lately. Perhaps my insomnia is back? Or maybe I'm just not exhausting myself enough.

It's not fair that my family is able to invest and spend. I'm spoiled, over and over again. My family can afford to buy a new car, send the family to China, send me to school, without any worry. And yet, my friends are unable to afford things like new tennis rackets, new clothes, lunch. I really don't realize how good I've got it sometimes. But should I feel guilty for being well off?

So happy Spring Break everyone. Happy St. Pat's.


P.S. Amazing drama, The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry, with my possibly favorite actor Kim Bum.

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